Physicians for Human Rights
RK Evaluation & Strategies led an 18-month monitoring and evaluation process of a Physicians for Human Rights program to train health professionals and attorneys in the Middle East/North Africa region to document human rights abuses in ongoing conflict. We developed monitoring systems to manage and assess program delivery, and gathered information through tests, surveys, and interviews to assess training results using the Kirkpatrick approach. This project included onsite evaluation engagement in Amman, Jordan as well as desk review of data gathered. PHR used the findings to adapt training and other support and to inform funders about results and program needs.
In 2012, we led an evaluation of PHR’s Immigration Detainee Health Project. Through a collaborative process with the staff of PHR, we revised the program’s logic model, identified meaningful indicators of intended outcomes, developed data collection tools, and gathered data to learn about the implementation and results of the program. We delivered an evaluation report to PHR to use for accountability to funders, program improvement, and future planning. Additionally, we led the staff through an advocacy evaluation planning process to identify progress on the path toward longer-term policy change.